Thursday, July 5, 2018

Let me try to start "blogging"

Let me try to start "blogging". I have to think of something to talk about right? Well, I wanted to do Vlogging but I am just camera shy (For now). But I did practiced a bit tried different angles, tried modulating my voice and then got tongue-tied. But don't be surprised if I suddenly stop blogging here coz I might be on YouTube! Lol.

So this is it. This is how I am starting my blog. I did a couple of research on blogging. Well I have one but I am not sure if it is a blog. I am posting recipes for about 2 weeks now. Oh wait! Snap, I really need to sleep its about 1:30 am, gotta work early tomorrow. Notes to myself: Continue blogging tomorrow | write about my website and that my website don't have multiple blog as yet (but they are gonna have it soon). Ok, I guess that's it for now. I'll continue where I left off tomorrow.

...Is someone actually reading this? Like right now? We should have something like a Voice-blog like those back in the days, record on a cassette tape, record and pause. But would anyone listen to it? Unless my voice sounded like David Attenborough or Morgan Freeman, you would be interested right?

I listened to some audio books back in the days. I think I can still remember the 1st and last audio book I listened to. It was Timeline. The movie came out 2003 and I listened to it like on Y2K.
Loved the movie. Paul Walker (we missed you bro..), Gerard Butler and lots of other cast who wears medieval clothing. Coz its mostly set in the medieval period duh.

Oh well, I thought I was gonna blog about food & recipes. You thought so too? Well, thank you. But right now, right at this moment. There is no turning back. I decided that this blog should be like not related to cooking. Or maybe it will. I can't promise though. I like movies, music, lots of things I can blog about so you won't get bored and close your browser and call it a day!

If you have time, just visit my website at, add me on instagram, facebook, pinterest, (links on the website, just click it please) that's it I think I only have those social media platforms.
Ok, tomorrow eh!

1 comment:

  1. I have to comment that I successfully added my blog link to my website after half an hour.



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